Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy
A very gentle but powerful way of resolving stress and pain, this therapy utilizes an essential quality in each person that we call Inherent Health. Our practitioners use their hands to follow subtle rhythms of expansion and contraction in the client. These rhythms point the way to the places in the client’s body that hold stress and pain. The practitioner helps the client to move into a state of relaxation (stillness), in which stress and pain decrease or disappear.
Polarity Therapy
Polarity Therapy, a true “energy therapy,” is a synthesis of ancient wisdom and modern health care knowledge. It utilizes 3 types of touch to provide body-focused support for structural conditions, visceral (organ) issues, and nervous system challenges.
Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy for Babies
Babies often suffer from structural and nervous system traumas resulting from their birth experiences. Gary Peterson has special training in prenatal /birth therapy to help babies resolve these traumas. Gary respects the instinctive intelligence of babies, and brings unique skills to the process of listening to babies and helping them restore the full measure of their inherent health.
Settling Touch and Resourcing (STAR)
Developed by Gary Peterson, this is another gentle, hands-on way of relieving stress and pain. Our practitioners use specific contacts with the client’s body to follow the client’s nervous system into a discharge (decompression) process. Sometimes the practitioner also coaches the client through a relaxation sequence which enhances the discharge process.